Certificate From
Recognized Poskim
Our Vaad HaSemicha includes leading Rabbonim, including Rabbi Gavriel Zinner, author of Nitei Gavriel and Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Bruan, Rav of the Crown Heights Beis Din.
Lemaan Yilmedu is the premiere English-language Halacha program. Geared toward serious students who want to broaden their knowledge in a language they’re comfortable in, our courses are taught by teachers with a knack for clarity and keen mastery of the subject matter.
Our StoryRabbi Zushe Wilhelm OBM
Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm, of blessed memory, was the vision behind Lemaan Yilmedu. A man devoted to teaching Torah and Halacha, he remains the inspiration behind our activities.
Our learning is dedicated in loving memory of Rabbi Wilhelm.
Established in 2021, Lemaan Yilmedu was created to fill the need for high-quality, immersive Halacha instruction in English. Working with a team of Rabbonim, teachers, translators and graphic designers, we have produced the most comprehensive English-language Halacha courses to date.
Lemaan Yilmedu’s courses range from our popular Semicha course, through which hundreds have received their Semicha, to more advanced courses tackling difficult and complex topics, until now inaccessible in English. These include our Mikvaos course and Chuppa Ve’Kiddushin course, which make these crucial Halachos comprehensible and clear.
Our Shechita course is the first of its kind: a course which takes the students through the primary texts, which are all translated, to developing the necessary knife-sharpening skills and culminating in practical, hands-on training and certification.
The new Chosson Teacher course brings together voices from all the relevant fields—beyond just the Halachos—and provides the future teacher with the tools to give their students the information they need for the rest of their lives.
Our pioneering attitude and access to the world’s foremost experts means we have created the premiere English-language Halacha institute, one unrivaled in depth and clarity.
Our newly-built center serves as the hub for our in-person classes and a place for students to study on their own, review the material and prepare for exams, all in an environment conducive to learning.
Our ordaining rabbis are leading rabbonim and poskim from around the world
Mara De’asra and member of the Crown Heights Beis Din.
Rabbi of Holon, Eretz Yisrael, and member of Beis Din Rabbonei Chabad in Eretz Yisroel.
Posek, and author of the well-known set: Nit’ei Gavriel.
Member of the Montreal Beis Din, and a Dayan of the Montreal Lubavitch community.
Rabbi of the Chabad shul and community "Heichal Menachem" in Monsey
Our Vaad HaSemicha includes leading Rabbonim, including Rabbi Gavriel Zinner, author of Nitei Gavriel and Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Bruan, Rav of the Crown Heights Beis Din.
Our teachers are all experts in their fields and excel in clarity and making things practical. Every teacher is dedicated to seeing the success of their students and ensuring you are prepared for the exams.
Our in-house team has created study aids on every topic in clear, crisp English. Visualizations and diagrams ensure the material is readily grasped, and summaries mean full retention of the subject matter.
Our staff are always there for you, ready to answer any questions during or after class. A Dedicated online forum facilitates robust discussion between students and teachers even after class is over.
Our teachers are all experts in their fields and excel in clarity and making things practical. Every teacher is dedicated to seeing the success of their students and ensuring you are prepared for the exams.
Rav of Congregation Levi Yitzchok in Los Angeles
View ProfileRav Anshe Sholom Chabad, Dayan Beth Din of East Flatbush and Member of the Vaad HaRabbonim of Queens
View ProfileRabbi Weinstein is the Director of the Jewish Learning Academy at Lubavitch of Bucks County, Pennsylvania as well as the Rabbi of The Shul at Newtown.
View ProfileA noted Talmid Chacham and Maggid Shiur
View ProfileRenowned for his phenomenal knowledge and superb explanatory skills, Rabbi Barber will deliver the classes, and personally guide each participant to ensure their successful completion of the program.
View ProfileRabbi Gedalya Oberlander is the rav of Heichal Menachem in Monsey, NY, and a member of Vaad Rabbonei Lubavitch, and he is known for his breadth of knowledge and clear psak.
View ProfileRabbi Farkash is well known as one of the most esteemed Chabad rabbonim, and is heavily involved in practical halachic rulings and guidance with regard Chupa and Kiddushin.
View ProfileRabbi Young Israel Forest Hills TSM and leading Chabad of Forest Hills South
View ProfileA mashpia of the Crown Heights community, Rabbi Zirkind is well-known for his informative Torah-content videos, and expansive knowledge of halacha.
View ProfileRabbi Baruch Hertz is the halachic authority for the Chabad Community of Chicago, IL, and the leader of Congregation B'nei Ruven in Chicago.
View ProfileA skilled Sofer who excels in teaching the holy craft to new sofrim
View ProfileReceive a certificate attesting to your proficiency in Halacha, signed by our Vaad HaRabbonim
Our Courses