Students of Lemaan Yilmedu Take Exams
Last week, a series of exams were held for the students of the Machon Lemaan Yilmedu in various curricula, with the rabbanim of the Vaad Semicha of the Machon.

450 talmidim began the new semester at Lemaan Yilmedu
This week, all programs began, with many new participants alongside veteran students who after learning for one year and seeing how good it was, decided to continue learning for another year. Most of the talmidim participate in the programs via Zoom shiurim. There are also live shiurim given in Lemaan Yilmedu's beis medrash in Crown Heights for local residents.

Rabbi Banon Tests the Talmidim of Lemaan Yilmedu on Shechita and Safrus
After a year of intensive learning, a final was given to the talmidim of Machon Lemaan Yilmedu on Shechita and Sofer STa'M with Rabbi Dovid Refoel Banon, Rav and Dayan in the Chabad community in Montreal.

Shluchim Tested in Laws of Taharas Hamishpacha
For a year and a half, about thirty shluchim have participated in a thorough and comprehensive course learning Hilchos Nidda. This week, they reached the siyum in a test given by the posek, the Debrecener Dayan, Rabbi Yechezkel Schwartz of Boro Park.

Got Questions on Business Halacha? This Expert Has Answers
Interview with Rabbi Mordechai Zev Hecht, Dayan Beth Din of East Flatbush and expert in Business Halacha, instructor for the upcoming Lemaan Yilmedu course in Business Halacha.

Posek, Dayan Test Lemaan Yilmedu Students
About fifty talmidim from Machon Lemaan Yilmedu were tested this week by the posek, Rabbi Gavriel Zinner, author of Nitei Gavriel, in his beis medrash in Boro Park.