Rabbi Banon Tests the Talmidim of Lemaan Yilmedu on Shechita and Safrus

Rabbi Banon Tests the Talmidim of Lemaan Yilmedu on Shechita and Safrus

September 24, 2024

After a year of intensive learning, a final was given to the talmidim of Machon Lemaan Yilmedu on Shechita and Sofer STa'M with Rabbi Dovid Refoel Banon, Rav and Dayan in the Chabad community in Montreal.

During the 5784 year, the talmidim studied Shechita with Shochet Rabbi Chazi Posner; the talmidim studied Safrus with Rabbi Chaim Pape, in a weekly shiur. They learned the halachos necessary for Shechita and Safrus and practical application. The talmidim who studied Safrus were tested on preparing a quill and writing letters. Those who are advanced are already writing a Megillas Esther. The talmidim who studied Shechita were tested in preparing the knife and in shechting chickens.

As mentioned, last week, there was a final given by Rabbi Banon. First, there was a test for those who finished the course in Safrus. They were tested on halachos in Keses HaSofer and Shulchan Aruch Admor HaZaken. Then a test was given to those who finished the Shechita course and they were tested on the Simla Chadasha and then Rabbi Banon checked their knives. Rabbi Banon was impressed by the work the talmidim put in to learning the halachos and by their knowledge, as well as by the practical part.

In another two weeks, b'ezras Hashem, there will be a Chag HaSiyum at Lemaan Yilmedu and the graduates will receive their certificates at an impressive event as befits their great efforts.

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