The revolution in the study of halacha, made available by Machon Lemaan Yilmedu, continues full force with the start of the fifth year. The Machon, which began with one course on Semicha, which was taught by the founder of the Machon, Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm a'h, now offers no fewer than 15 courses! They include programs for shluchim and rabbanim and programs for balabatim and businessmen, as well as a separate program for bachurim.
This week, all programs began, with many new participants alongside veteran students who after learning for one year and seeing how good it was, decided to continue learning for another year. Most of the talmidim participate in the programs via Zoom shiurim. There are also live shiurim given in Lemaan Yilmedu's beis medrash in Crown Heights for local residents.
In addition to previous offerings like Hilchos Shabbos, Siddur Kiddushin, Sofer STa'M and Hilchos Tahara, a new track was opened this year to study Dayanus. This course is taught by Rabbi Tuvia Kasimov, a rav in Crown Heights. This is a four-year course and the level of learning is high with the Tur and Beis Yosef, Shulchan Aruch and piskei halacha of Acharonim and contemporary poskim.
There is also a new program on Hilchos Kashrus with Rabbi Yossi Barber, which is suitable for someone who wants to delve into Hilchos Kashrus and for someone who has Semicha Yoreh Yoreh and wants to review the material with an emphasis on the practical application of the halachos.
Oholei Torah’s ballroom was festively decorated to celebrate the conclusion of the year at Machon Lemaan Yilmedu. 320 students received certificates in many courses of study including: Semicha, Hilchos Shabbos, Orach Chaim, Hilchos Nidda, Hilchos Mikvaos, Dinei Mamonus, Chuppa v’Kiddushin, Rav Kehilla, Hadrochas Chassanim, Shechita, and Safrus.
Last week, a series of exams were held for the students of the Machon Lemaan Yilmedu in various curricula, with the rabbanim of the Vaad Semicha of the Machon.
After a year of intensive learning, a final was given to the talmidim of Machon Lemaan Yilmedu on Shechita and Sofer STa'M with Rabbi Dovid Refoel Banon, Rav and Dayan in the Chabad community in Montreal.