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Semicha - Montreal

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Semicha - Montreal

Fulfill Your Dream

Get Your Semicha

Ever encountered a question in the kitchen that made you wonder why you can’t learn the ins-and-outs of kashrus yourself? Welcome to Lemaan Yilmedu’s Semicha program, where you’ll gain the knowledge to deal with complex kashrus dilemmas. You’ll be supplied with English study guides, weekly classes and an expert teacher on-hand to answer all questions.

Online Access
Study Visualizations Pack
Experienced Teachers
One-on-One Mentorship

Maggidei Shiur

Maggid Shiur

Rabbi Shmuel Shuchat
Maggid Shiur
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About the Course

Smicha is often learned before a bochur gets married. Once he begins to build his home he inevitably becomes very occupied with securing a parnassah for his growing family. A dream he may have had of taking the time to sit down and learn the halachos that are so relevant in his life begins to seem like a far off fantasy. He can barely find the time to learn with a daily chavrusa, let alone join an extensive, time consuming Smicha program.

Now, thanks to Lemaan Yilmedu, Smicha is now an attainable goal for so many.The twice a week Shiurim are given live with a virtual option for those who live out of town and are unable to attend in person classes.

The classes are led by Rabbi Shmuel Shuchat who, using his signature thorough and engaging teaching style, breaks down the most technical topics into bite sized pieces so that anyone can easily understand the material.

Each student receives a set of custom workbooks that contain translation and visual accompaniments to ensure that the one learning the material has a crystal clear understanding of the subject at hand.

Every single class is recorded so that if any of the students miss a class, they have automatic access to all of the information to catch up, review and review again!

If learning Smicha has always been something that you wanted to do but was always moved to the back burner, it just may be the perfect solution and your key to turning this dream into a reality.

Workshops & Lectures

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A Sample Shiur

Course Curriculum

The curriculum covers the laws of Basar B'Chalav, Ta'aruvos and Melicha, starting with the Shulchan Aruch and its commentaries, and concluding with the practical application of the Halachos in your own home.

The Syllabus
Download the complete syllabus



What if I miss a class?

How much time do I need to put into the course in order to succeed?

How will I be tested?

What will the tests be like?

The Experience

Our Courses

Certificate From
Recognized Poskim

Our Vaad HaSemicha includes leading Rabbonim, including Rabbi Gavriel Zinner, author of Nitei Gavriel and Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Bruan, Rav of the Crown Heights Beis Din.


Our teachers are all experts in their fields and excel in clarity and making things practical. Every teacher is dedicated to seeing the success of their students and ensuring you are prepared for the exams.

Exclusive English
Study Aids Package

Our in-house team has created study aids on every topic in clear, crisp English. Visualizations and diagrams ensure the material is readily grasped, and summaries mean full retention of the subject matter.

and Guidance

Our staff are always there for you, ready to answer any questions during or after class. A Dedicated online forum facilitates robust discussion between students and teachers even after class is over.

Our Exclusive Curriculum

Designed by an in-house team of scholars, our syllabus is all in English, from the primary texts of Shulchan Aruch and commentaries to our exclusive summaries and visualizations. The curriculum is structured to appeal to learners of all kinds. Whether you are a visual, auditory or logic learner, you will leave with a firm grasp of the material.