Machon Lemaan Yilmedu held a series of shiurim in practical halacha, li'uli nishmas the director of the Machon in the US, Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm a'h, who passed away one year ago. The Yom Iyun was open to the public and was broadcast live on Zoom for many participants who don't live in Crown Heights.
For five hours, there were lectures on practical halachic topics, given by maggidei shiur of the Machon.
The first speaker was Rabbi Tuvia Kasimov of the Beis Horaah in Crown Heights, on the subject of muttar and assur in the laws of harchakos. He was followed by Rabbi Sholom Zirkind on using crockpots on Shabbos. Rabbi Yossi Barber gave a shiur on the question of whether one needs to wait six hours after eating french fries in a meat restaurant. Rabbi Asher Webb delved into the halachic transition of night into day as this applies to the laws of tefilla.
The final shiur was given by the mara d'asra and member of the Beis Din Tzedek of Crown Heights, Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun, about the status of kohanim in Yemos Ha'Moshiach, and about what the Rebbe said that in the future every Jew will be able to enter the Holy of Holies.
The Yom Iyun ended with a chassidishe farbrengen with Rabbi Berel Junik who spoke about his brother-in-law, Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm a'h, whose life was dedicated to learning and spreading Torah.
Oholei Torah’s ballroom was festively decorated to celebrate the conclusion of the year at Machon Lemaan Yilmedu. 320 students received certificates in many courses of study including: Semicha, Hilchos Shabbos, Orach Chaim, Hilchos Nidda, Hilchos Mikvaos, Dinei Mamonus, Chuppa v’Kiddushin, Rav Kehilla, Hadrochas Chassanim, Shechita, and Safrus.
Last week, a series of exams were held for the students of the Machon Lemaan Yilmedu in various curricula, with the rabbanim of the Vaad Semicha of the Machon.
This week, all programs began, with many new participants alongside veteran students who after learning for one year and seeing how good it was, decided to continue learning for another year. Most of the talmidim participate in the programs via Zoom shiurim. There are also live shiurim given in Lemaan Yilmedu's beis medrash in Crown Heights for local residents.